My Grand children Believes that my life is worth recording and its account ought to be given to the public so that many youth across the world can get an Inspiration from the live source. Although, I don't believe so yet I am trying to write few episodes of my life that made me strong or gave me power to solve the problems throughout my life.
I am 93 now. my memories are diminishing now. I never believe in becoming a historian. My intent here is not to give you my life's historical account or some sort of biography. All facts and description about my family is given to give my clear picture to you. My father Ramkrishna pillai, was a medical officer in Railways So due to transfers we have to move from one city to another.
My Grand children Believes that my life is worth recording and its account ought to be given to the public so that many youth across the world can get an Inspiration from the live source. Although, I don't believe so yet I am trying to write few episodes of my life that made me strong or gave me power to solve the problems throughout my life.
I am 93 now. my memories are diminishing now. I never believe in becoming a historian. My intent here is not to give you my life's historical account or some sort of biography. All facts and description about my family is given to give my clear picture to you. My father Ramkrishna pillai, was a medical officer in Railways So due to transfers we have to move from one city to another.